Monday, March 28, 2011

That's Mr. DAD to You!

In 1983, a non-sensical comedy titled, "Mr. Mom" darkened the silver screen. True, if you allow yourself intellectual leeway, you may find it hilarious. I watched it back then laughing hysterically without understanding the implications. In order to refresh my memory, I watched the trailer today on YouTube. The movie depicts a so-called manly man who lost his job and thrusts his wife, wishing her luck, into the workforce. As he stayed home to care for his children, he almost shamelessly made a mess of things, solidifying the stereotype that genetically men are bumbling idiots with regard to care taking. I do not want to appear naive here. It is true that some men can make neither heads nor tails of responsible paternal roles. But that does not mean that somehow we are all doomed to be ignoramuses. If the movie stopped at the irresponsible idiocy of this man, it would have been offensive enough. But it spews further pollution by depicting him falling prey to some woman seeing his vulnerability and exercising his lust while gambling with her. All of this while he was supposed to be taking care of the children. The narrator of the movie trailer said that he became the woman of the house. OK, I have had enough!

What if the movie was not so offensive? What if it had the same title and depicted a man acting responsibly while his children looked longingly into his eyes singing pleasantries about his tender loving care? What if he had not lost his job at all, but simply took care of the children when mom was out and about? Would it be OK if he accepted the title Mr. Mom? I do realize that people often mean well when either assigning or assuming this title. The problem is that even with the best of intentions, this suggests that one, men who take good care of their children must be equated with motherhood, because fathers don't take good care. The second problem this presents is a false view of the home ideal? Although many mothers have done great jobs raising children without positive male contribution, there is still a deficit. I speak from experience. I have benefitted from being raised by a caring mother. I have benefitted from being raised by a loving elder sister. For this I am eternally grateful. Yet, there was still something very valuable missing. All children, regardless of sex, require a balance of father and mother in the home to have a complete picture of God's ideal. I know it is not politically correct to be so definitive, but just because we have gotten by on less than the ideal for so long, does not mean that we should not recognize the consequences. I will not cite statistics here, but you can do the research to see that it's true.

What is my point? Rather than assigning or assuming the title of Mr. Mom to a man who takes care, hopefully great care, of his child(ren), please do society a favor and relish the ideal of responsible fatherhood. God has blessed mothers with incredible gifts and contributions for the family unit, and He has done the same for fathers. Both are valuable and necessary. Just because we can survive with just one kidney or without legs, does not make them dispensable. So please, when you see a father doing his paternal duty, show a little compassion and respect--simply call him DAD.

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